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Invitation | Count for Nature: Natural Capital and Green Finance Innovation



With the aim of jointly promoting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and with the support of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Greenovation Hub and the Institute of Finance and Sustainability jointly launched the first phase of the "Count for Nature:  Natural Capital and Green Finance Innovation" (Count for Nature I) to promote the exchanges of methodologies and practices between China and the UK in natural capital accounting and its application fields. Through research and interviews, the project team completed a report that introducing the concept, development status and application cases of natural capital accounting, hoping to support Chinese and British policy researchers, enterprises and financial institutions to carry out more useful discussions and practices in this field. 

The objective of this seminar is to enhance the conceptual and applied understanding of the concept, accounting and application of natural capital, to promote the mainstreaming of natural capital-related work, and to facilitate learning and exchange of technical standards and practical examples between the UK and China.


 March 24th, 2023

14:30 - 14:50 Opening Remarks

高瑞 Rhys GORDON-JONES   英国驻华大使馆金融与专业服务参赞

白韫雯   北京绿色金融与可持续发展研究院副院长

14:50-15:10 China and UK Collaboration :  Exploring the opportunities and challenges  in  Natural Capital Accounting and Application

姜雪原   北京绿研公益发展中心项目专员

15:10-16:10 Theme 1: Opportunities and challenges of natural capital accounting in the UK and China

马国霞   中国生态环境部环境规划院生态环境与经济核算中心副主任/研究员

郭玥婷   战略业务发展总监英国标准协会(BSI)

张晓宇   云南省生态环境研究院环境经济研究中心主任/正高级工程师


1.What are the main challenges in conducting the natural capital accounting?

2.How to advance the promotion of natural capital accounting?

16:10-16:20 Tea break

16:20-17:10 Theme 2: Application scenarios of natural capital accounting

戴德乐 Callum DOUGLAS   普华永道中国企业可持续发展总监

孟兵站   北京中创碳投科技有限公司咨询事业部副总经理


1.In terms of the natural capital application, what are the potential cooperation areas between China and the UK?

2.What other policies are needed to advance the work on natural capital or ecological value transformation?

17:10-18:00 Theme 3: Green finance innovation based on natural capital

姚靖然   北京绿色金融与可持续发展研究院自然资本投资中心研究员

张益宁   德清县GEP辅助决策项目代表

18:00 Conclude

徐嘉忆   北京绿研公益发展中心项目总监

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