Special Features

In September 2020, President Xi Jinping put forward the goal for China's carbon dioxide emissions to peak before 2030 and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, which presented clearer requirements for China's green and low-carbon development model and objectives. As a powerful tool to support green and low-carbon development, green finance has become an important instrument to facilitate the green development of countries and regions, playing an irreplaceable role in the process of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. In the new stage of deepening the development of green finance, the construction of a green finance system needs to integrate excellent domestic and international cases and innovative experiences, consider its own development conditions and requirements, and embark on a differentiated path of green finance development.

Chinese Green-Finance and Transition Finance
Build on local pilot projects, incorporate successful experience, forward-looking practices and latest trends in green finance reform.
Newsletter: Progress and Trends
Track the industry dynamics, provide analysis and topic-specific research with latest information and research outcomes in green finance.
Practices of Financial Institutions
Keep up to date with green finance actions by financial institutions, provide industry news, research hotspots , challenges and cutting-edge topics.
BMC Green Finance Seminar
The " BMC green finance seminar " is a series of events launched in 2023 by the Institute of Finance and Sustainability in the Beijing Sub-Center. By offering the latest expert insights in the field of green finance, the seminar provides an offline platform for professionals interested in green finance development and financial institutions engaged in green finance activities. Its aim is to further drive innovation and advancement in green finance products and services, positioning the Beijing Sub-Center as a pioneer and hub of innovation in the green finance sector.
Blue finance
To better support financial institutions in the development of blue finance, we will continuously monitor the progress of blue finance initiatives by local governments and financial institutions. We aim to gather the latest insights from domestic and international experts, share cutting-edge practices in blue finance, and provide up-to-date industry information and forward-looking topics for those interested in the development of blue finance.