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Ma Jun announces the Capacity-Building Alliance of Sustainable Investment (CASI) during Belt & Road Forum


BEIJING, Oct. 17, 2023-- Dr. Ma Jun, President of China's leading green finance think tank, the Beijing-based Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS), unveiled a global initiative on sustainable finance capacity building for emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs), at “Seminar on Building New vision for the Green Silk Road”of Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing this week. The Capacity-building Alliance of Sustainable Investment (CASI) aims to provide quality learning programs to support countries to develop sustainable finance in the ASEAN, Central Asian, African, the Middle East, and Latin American regions.


Dr. Ma Jun, President of the IFS and former Co-Chair of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG), highlighted the importance of capacity building to unlocking sustainable capital in the Global South. "The lack of technical capacity is a key impediment to mobilization of private sector financing for climate actions and sustainability in EMDEs. In 2023, the G20 SFWG made capacity building one of its top priorities and called upon international communities to step up efforts on capacity building and technical assistance for the developing world", Ma said.


Below are the slides of Dr. Ma Jun’s presentation on CASI:

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To access the full PPT click this download link.
